Friday, August 7, 2009

I couldn't help but notice... it was such a revealing snapshot of our life.  
Fresh tomatoes, guitar music, football mouthpiece and knee pads, a puddle of something, dish clothes, party invitation, letter from Wheaton, yellow tote waiting to be embroidered, shirt worn to school today, church bulletin, school lunch form, brownie batter in a bowl, coffee cup, McCarty salt and pepper bowls, high school freshman schedule, retainer in its case, Algebra homework, fortune cookies, 6th grade lit book, grocery bag, bunny food, Athleta catalog, cereal bowl, insurance form, banana, protein powder, mobile phone, water bottles, a new razor, Votivo red currant candle, and blue leather journal.  
All on my kitchen counter.


David Naylor said...

- from David Naylor - First let me say I enjoy your blog. You're a great observer and communicator.

My first reaction to your kitchen counter post was, "Wow, we don't have anything on ours." So I went to look. Here's what I found:

A ball of twine, tube of lipstick, an iPod adapter, two letters, a floor plan of Riverdale HS, 6 drawer knobs and a paintbrush, three garden tomatoes and an onion, an ivy start, a plumber's phone number, two to-do lists, one cell phone, a colander and saucepan drying, a Yahtzee game, a wedding announcement and a pack of microwave popcorn.

Interesting life snapshot, yes! Thanks for the prompt.

Laura Lee said...

Laurie, you make me SO happy.

And your post put me in mind of a British artist, Emily Patrick, whose paintings are of the sort of commonplace things you wrote about.