Monday, January 4, 2010

Psalm 145:9 The LORD is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.

I don't want to miss this. Any of it, any small detail of His mercy.
At 4:30pm this afternoon we received the phone call we have been praying for, a match has been found for the tissues Hannah needs to have transplanted into her knee and femur. We are flying to Chicago for the surgery in less than 24 hours. I do not have time to be typing this, but I do not want to forget.

His mercies.

Our house is fairly in order. This is quite unusual, a mercy. I have not been able to find my passport, I just did, mercy. We recently received an unexpected financial bonus, nearly the amount needed to pay for our portion of Hannah's third surgery in 6 months, mercy. We have enjoyed a week long break with our entire family, including Phil, at home doing virtually nothing. We are therefore well rested. Unusual, mercy. Last night Hannah spent the evening with a huge group of girl friends at our house, an end of break light hearted good time. She did not know she would be packing for Chicago tonight.... mercy. Friends are calling and texting offering rides and help for our three boys who we are leaving on such short notice, having mercy. Our mothers (mine and Phil's) will be cooking and sleeping over, they are both in town and available, precious mercy. There is snow in the forecast for TN, H is taking a FULL load of IB courses and will be missing a lot of school... a few snow days thrown it would sure lighten that load.... a mercy. Phil is scheduled to work Wednesday, the day of surgery, but a co worker offered to take his shift in spite of that meaning a very quick turn around coming off a night shift for her, no small mercy.

Gotta go for now... my family is waiting for me in the living room to pray. More later. This story is far from over.